A First Year Teacher Finds a Hero in Her Paraeducator

Tami and Mrs M

A teacher named Tami recounts an experience from her first year of teaching:

My kids continued to grow and develop as learners in a happy and caring classroom community.

I cannot however, take credit for all their success.

I had a para educator who was in my classroom most of the day, specifically for 3 of my special needs kiddos.

Her name is Mrs. M.

She was my right hand gal. She was my sounding board, keeper of the peace, and most importantly my friend. It sounds silly, but I couldn’t have done it without her! (And until you encounter the title of teacher in a multi-age class with 27 (and soon 29) kids… you don’t know the full truth of that statement!)

She then goes on to tell us that Mrs. M was diagnosed with breast cancer:

Tests were taken, surgery performed, a breast removed, chemo started, and one very sick lady left behind.

My classroom wasn’t the same without her. We all missed her.

Tami then tell us why she admires Mrs. M and declares her “my hero”.

Thanks for sharing Tami!

First Year