Three Cheers for Ben!

Kari is a “woman given the awesome task of raising 6 children, 2 of them with special needs”. Her blog includes personal and insightful insights on raising her children and living life. Today’s post includes an experience with her son Ben initiated by Ben’s paraprofessional:

I answered the phone and Ben’s 1:1 paraprofessional told me that he was escalating and that he had stopped himself long enough to ask if he could call me to help him calm. Wow! Normally when Ben is at a “4” on a 1-5 behavior scale he isn’t able to ask for what he needs…and he did today! She asked if I could talk to him and I said, “Absolutely!” and she put him on the phone.

You can read the rest of the post, titled Ben’s Call to find out what happened. If you have a few minutes check out some of her other posts as well!