NRCPara Conferences

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About the conference:

The 37th National NRCP Conference Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, & Interveners will be held virtually on February 21-23rd with an optional Leadership meeting on February 20th.

Check out the Registration site for details!

More details coming soon!!


Register three or more people and get a 10% discount. We encourage teams of Teachers, Administrators and Paraeducators to register together!

*Please note: The 10% discount will automatically be applied when you register 3 or more registrants in the same transaction.

All conference sessions will be recorded and made available to all registered participants.

5 Reasons You Will Want to Attend the Next Conference!

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to:

  1. Meet and network with paraeducators, teachers and administrators from other school districts, states and countries.
  2. Attend diverse workshops covering literacy, small group instructions, ELL, supervision, writing, math, proactive behavior management, autism, strategies for students with significant cognitive disabilities, and others.
  3. Learn techniques for communication & building effective teacher/paraeducator teams.
  4. Hear about model programs and systems for paraeducators, their supervising teachers and school administrators.
  5. Walk away with ideas that you can implement in your own school districts or classrooms.


The National Paraeducator Leadership Networking Session will be held Thursday, February 20th, virtually. This session is open to “State/National Paraeducator Leaders”, that is, people who are engaged in activities to promote paraeducator leadership at a variety of levels within their respective states or on a national level. For example, state staff; state or regional training and TA staff; higher education personnel; persons promoting leadership through involvement in various state activities, labor organizations, committees, advisory groups; etc. All interested parties may attend. 
We will begin our session with a quick review of the state of national issues and advances in the field of paraeducation. After the national review participants will discuss the following:

  • What’s working: What do you love about your job?; What is going well in your school? What is going well for the student(s) you support?
  • What’s not working: What challenges are you facing?; What barriers exist?
  • Potential solutions: What resources do you need to address the challenges
  • What research do you think is critical to address?
  • Your role: What’s your role?; How can you become an advocate?

This session will give us a chance to meet others in similar roles at the beginning of the conference. The Leadership meeting is available as an optional add on to the conference or on its own at NO Cost. Registration fees only apply to the full conference.