Marilyn Likins, PH.D.
Executive Director
Dr. Marilyn Likins serves as the Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Paraeducators in Education and Related Services. She also directs the Mild/Moderate Alternative Teacher Preparation Program in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at Utah State University in Logan, UT. Marilyn began working in the field of education, as a paraprofessional. After three years, she worked as a behavior specialist at the Children’s Behavior Therapy Unit (CBTU) in Salt Lake City teaching children with severe emotional/behavioral needs. Following graduate school , Dr. Likins led a number of statewide staff development initiatives in the areas of Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions and development for paraprofessionals. Her efforts have centered primarily in the areas of policy, training, career development at both community college and university levels, and local/statewide networking and communication.
Tucker Phillips
Tucker Phillips is the Webmaster for the National Resource Center for Paraeducators. He is in charge of maintaining and helping create NRCP’s web based resources. He has a background in using digital software and computer technology. When not working he attends high school, mountain bikes, and plays frisbee.

Anna Lou Picket
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our founder, scholar, colleague and friend, Anna Lou Pickett. We are grateful for her impact and the many victories due to Anna Lou’s relentless efforts on behalf of paraeducators and the students they serve. We find peace in knowing she is most assuredly organizing others in the great beyond. She taught us that to change policy and build infrastructure, “one must drip, drip, drip away” and never give up. Thank you Anna Lou for the life lessons that you have shared and that will continue to serve us well for years to come. Anna Lou’s Obituary can be found here. There is an opportunity to leave messages for the family as well.