36th National Virtual NRCP Conference

This year the NRCP had the privilege to coordinate and host the 36th National Virtual NRCP Conference. This is the only National Conference fully dedicated to Paraeducators and those who support the work of paraeducators. We would like to say THANK YOU to our attendees (YOU), our presenters, the planning committee and support team! Everyone came together to make this conference possible! We brought the sun, gathered together (virtually) and imagined so many amazing possibilities!

The conference was held January 25-27th, 2024. With a Leadership Meeting held on January 24. The conference was well attended by 262 individuals from 25 different states. Conference attendees were primarily paraeducators, teachers, interveners, professors, and directors.

When participants were asked “What did you enjoy most about the conference?” they responded with:

Hearing the passion of some of the presenters and learning that I was not alone in how I was feeling about my role in the classroom.

 Abundant resources, Q&A, Para to Teacher pathway

 All of it since is my first one. It was very useful.

All the different ideas and ways to look at situations differently. Loved the different resources.

 All the sessions with keynote speakers and the breakout room by Ms. Jo Mascorro

 All the very informative information to use with educating the children & working with them.

 Breadth and depth of the presenter’s experience. Real scenarios.

 Getting to know there some people out there who understand and care about us

 Hearing how other districts train and respect their paraeducators.

I loved all the topics and variety of topics and I love the fact I can go back and listen to them again since some of the ones I wanted to see I couldn’t because I had to work on Friday.

 It was virtual and easy to access.

 Its clear strategies to assist all ages

 Learning so many new things and interacting with paraeducators across the country.

 Meeting different people, Networking with others

 Mindfulness lessons

 Presentation on my topic and getting feedback of participants

 Seeing and hearing the people whose work/websites I have reviewed

 Specialized knowledge shared by both paraeducator and other educational specialists.

The knowledge shared on how to understand and deal with students and their personal struggles, being very vigilant and not ignoring any behavioral challenges, and channeling concerns or observations for appropriate intervention

The strategies used for special kids, the role of Paraeducators in co-teaching, the various opportunities offered to Paraeducators and the attention, eloquence and explanations given by the facilitators.

 The value of the materials was user friendly and REAL

 The variety to choose from, the expert professionals, quality of sessions

 The very rich and informative sessions.

 The wonderful speakers & choices of topics

We hope you join us for the 37th National NRCP Virtual Conference on February 21-23, 2025!