Where can I find an online course to become a paraeducator

Where can I find an online course to become a paraeducator?

We suggest that whether you are presently in a paraeducator position or preparing yourself for such a role that you find out the local requirements for the school district within which you are presently working or hope to work. NCLB and IDEA are federal policies that include training requirements but local districts have a great deal of autonomy in what they require so it is best to begin there. In terms of online programs, you’ll want to make sure the district will approve them. We suggest that you contact your state department of education or the state office heading the 2-year higher education programs in your state to learn of acceptable online courses. If you belong to a professional association, such as CEC or a union, you might contact them for additional information as well. You might go to the Internet and search for such offices that will provide you information related to your question. Additionally, you could post a message on the nrcpara.org under the regional discussions for your specific state and someone from your state could provide you with suggestions.