Do you know an awesome paraeducator, related service provider, teacher aide, intervener, etc.? We would love to highlight their accomplishments in our Newsletters, website and social medias!
To submit a Spotlight article please see the following parameters and send the Spotlight to us via email to laura.lema@usu.edu.
Spotlight parameters:
• An intro of who the person is, what their role is (paraeducator, aide, etc.), the reasons why you are nominating them (how are they excelling and standing out in their role?) and what your connection to the person is e.g., supervisor, colleague, teacher, parent, and/or friend.
• Describe their professional accomplishment(s) and their impact on the students that he/she works with on a daily basis.
• Describe how they have improved the overall perception of those who work with youth and children with disabilities.
Other considerations:
• Articles may vary in length from 250-400 words
• Please attach a recent picture of your nominee.
• Confirm you have their permission to nominate and share their story and picture.