Our third Regional conference was held January 12-13th. There were over 130 participants registered from over 20 states including Bermuda, California and Kentucky. This conference was held in the Eastern time zone in the evening hours. Here is some of the amazing feedback we received when participants were asked “what they enjoyed most” about day 1 and day 2 of the conference:
“The positive confirmation that we as paraeducators are invaluable to education. Encouraging us to create positive relationships with students and the importance of effective communication. Highlighting different techniques to implement in the classroom when working with students (Repetition, everyone being able to talk and setting clear instructions/expectations for students).”
“Knowing that others are going through the same things at school that I am.”
“Such amazing speakers; relevant, purposeful, meaningful, and action packed, forward thinkers. Kept my attention all night in virtual environment.”
“Showing that positive actions, kindness and genuine love of the students was brought out in this PD. Thank you again!!”
“I liked that they had us all engage and gave specifics about things in their lives that have happened.”
“It was very educational and it didn’t seem long. I enjoyed them just telling us what is wrong and how to correct, so we will be better equipped to help the children.”
“Loved the validation that what I do is important and I matter”
“The laughing session was phenomenal! I also loved Jo’s viewpoints when regarding a child’s positive attitude! Great first day conference. Thank you”
“Need to de-stress, and the first part was more in tune with our daily experiences. Awesome day!
“Laughter is good medicine for our bodies.”
“How much praise we got from the presenters for what we do every day! Some of us don’t get to hear it at all and everyone that does this job needs praise…. Because we definitely don’t do it for the paycheck!”
“I enjoyed learning from different perspectives and how I could apply that to my work.”
“The way the information was presented in such a fun and laid-back manner.”
“I enjoyed hearing all the other frustrations and comments from others in the group. It makes me feel like I am not alone and can continue another day. Jo gives me hope with even my most difficult children. Matthew’s lightheartedness reminds me about self-care! Thank you!!”
“Having the opportunity to be part of such a great conference with other paraeducators/ed techs.”
“All the information and insights to better serve students and team members.”
“I enjoyed the discussions on behavior management the most and found it to be the most applicable for my situation at this time.”
“All the suggestions for positive interactions with students.”
“I enjoyed the part about the team work. There’s no I in team.”
“The info was great. But the praise I got from educators and attendees was amazing.”
“Actionable examples paraeducators could apply asap in their schools”
“I really liked the topics and felt like I could relate to everything the presenters were saying.”
“I enjoyed the whole session. How we have a voice in the decision making with the teachers.”
“Explicit instruction review and importance of feedback and lots of it for students!”
“I liked the attention to detail. I enjoyed everyone’s passion for teaching us, so that we will be better equipped to be better at our jobs.”
“Learning new ways to make learning fun for the students”
“I was reminded that I need to explain expectations very clearly.”
“I loved the support for paraeducators. Also, the importance of team work.”
“The information that Marilyn and Deb delivered is the MOST important for paras to work effectively with teachers and to support students.”
“The encouragement and reminders of how important we are”
“Loved it ALL 🙂 Positivity is my motto, and smiling is my favorite!”
“The information on how to work cohesively between teachers and paraprofessionals to best support each other and the students.”
“Learning how to work even better with my students and improving upon my effectiveness as a paraeducator within my team.”
“Great positive experience. I loved the examples of negative feedback (sometimes we need to hear that too.) Thank you for the reminder that paraeducators are super important as well!!”
Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming NRCP trainings! We have exciting things in the works and can’t wait to share them with you all!